Meal Planning

There's a few key steps to good meal planning which keep the process quick and the outcome effective! Here are our top tips:
#1 / A list of favourite recipes is handy ~ easy & quick ones, some that can be stretched as leftovers in the freezer and enough that you can rotate the list every couple of weeks so you don't get bored.
#2 / Do a quick stock-take ~ find out what's in your fridge, freezer and cupboards
#3 / Write out the menu for the week ahead ~ we try to have something from the freezer or that's super easy at the start of the week, and leave the more exciting food for later in the week as a treat. You can write down lunch ideas too of course!
#4 / Groceries & weekly shop ~ start to write your shopping list! Armed with the menu for the week and what we already have, I start to write down what we need to buy. I also start with what we need for everyday things... what's needed for breakfast, endless cups of tea and lunchtime staples, like bread & an easy filling.
And ~ although we are of course a little biased ~ it's no surprise that Spice Pots features heavily in our weekly menu!
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