Breakfast with Spice Pots

F u n F a c t: One of our most popular Sweet Spice Recipes is just a simple granola for breakfast. Make a big batch for morning ease! Delicious with yoghurt and fruit. Breakfast recipes need to be nice and easy, especially during the week, to make for a stress free departure from the house (if you are going somewhere). This easy granola recipe will be a favorite.
E g g s P l e a s e: For those of you who must have breakfast protein, do not delay. Get scoffing our Indian Scrambled Eggs (Akoori). Serve with a naan bread for an easy brunch dish. Ready in 10 minutes, you could even impress your other half during the week!
S m o o t h O p e r a t o r: Love a breakfast smoothie? You need our sweet spice smoothie in your life. It's simply gorgeous. It's a good dairy free smoothie option - we used almond milk.
W i n t e r C o m f o r t: A warm, comforting bowl of porridge - ignoring all tips and recipes from my granny who nearly put me off porridge for life. You won't find any salt in this recipe. Just nuts seasoned with our sweet spice and roasted with honey - what a porridge topper!
K i d s S t u f f: The first recipe that my son ever cooked for me. It's simple and fun and the pancakes are YUM. The first one always goes wrong! Let the kids do breakfast. Not just for pancake day.