Making Thai Food with Spice Pots

Delicious Thai Stir Fry with Spice Pots Satay Sauce
We had friends for lunch at the weekend. They also have 3 kids and between the 6 kids, it's quite tricky to find food that they all love. So, we took care of the kids first with mini homemade burgers along with salad and loads of raw veggies (to make us parents feel better). Once they were all fed and happily sitting in front of a movie, I turned my attention to the adults.
As I had only got back from the supermarket about 5 minutes before our guests arrived (a long lie that got longer), we had to have something that was quick to make and also suitable for the vegetarian among us.
Knowing that I had Satay Sauce in the freezer (I always make a big batch and freeze half for exactly these types of occasions), I googled a few stir fry recipes and being short on time, very quickly picked the one below.
It was simply chopping up my choice of vegetables. I used carrots and peppers, thinly sliced and some cavolo nero that I saw in the supermarket as well as mange tout and spring onions. I fried some grated ginger in the a little oil, added the vegetables in order of their cooking time and once they were nearly tender, I moved the vegetables to one side of the pan, added the satay sauce to heat, then mixed it all up together. I soaked some egg noodles (or you can use rice noodles) separately, then added them all to the pan.
Serve with basil and chopped cashews on the top.
Additionally I cooked chicken and prawns in the oven with our marinade.
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