Boxing Day Buffet

Boxing Day Buffet
Go beyond leftover turkey curry and create a banging Boxing Day curry buffet to remember. We suggest making many of these dishes ahead and freezing so that there is not too much to do on the day. After all, you'll probably be a bit jaded after Christmas Day! Creating a curry buffet allows you to cater for a wide range of tastes. To please those who love hot and those who don't; the meat eaters and the vegetarians; big appetites and small.
We are always trying to make things as simple as possible and so suggest ways you can spread the load so that you are a sparkling and relaxed host on the day.
The Main Event
Beef Madras
Fabulously spicy. Add plenty of veggies to make this go further. DEFINITELY make this one ahead of time.
Chicken Korma
A crowd pleaser. We suggest doing this in 2 stages. First, prepare the marinade and freeze at this point. Then finish the cooking on the day.
Goan Fish Curry
This simple curry is sensational. Whilst we wouldn't necesarry recommend freezing this one, you can easily make the sauce ahead of time and simply add the fish and prawns on the day.
Lentil Daal
One of our absolute favourites, this is a great side dish or for a main dish, add some roasted vegetables. You can also stuff this into puff pastry for party pleasing curry puffs. This freezes really well so we suggest making this ahead of time.
On the Side
Colour up that buffet with these refreshing, delicious and very easy side dishes / curry accompaniments.
Mint and Coriander Raita
So easy, so delicious. A must have! Make a couple of days before and just be sure to mix well on the day. If you prefer, you could add the fresh herbs on the day.
Kachumber Salad
This is so colorful and so refreshing. This keeps really well and in fact, the flavour improves so a good one to make before the day. Give it a good mix before serving.
Green Chutney
Not strictly necessary, but it tastes so good and adds a lovely pop of zingy green to the buffet!
Keeping it Easy
We suggest buying in naans for ease. It might just be one too many things to make your own unless you make the dough in advance and freeze. You can try our flatbread recipe if you are feeling like you are up for it!
We also suggest using a rice cooker if you can get your hands on one! These cook the rice perfectly and then keep it warm. However if not, try this method for perfectly fluffy rice.
Mango chutney is another essential - we always buy this in! Perhaps we will try making our own one day.
Using your slow cooker as a way of keeping curry warm on the buffet works really well. You can of course use your slow cooker to cook the curry too. See our slow cooker curry cooking tips.
More Recipes for a Party
If you are cooking for a large gathering, try these 'cooking for a crowd' recipes. Or try these Party Nibbles suggestions.
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