Focus on Fish Curry

Focus on Fish Curry, Prawn Curry and Prawn Skewers
Are you feeling that your meals are a little meat heavy of late? We can all get the feeling that we're a little over meat sometimes and it's making us feel sluggish. Meat is particularly hard to digest, especially red meat, so it's good to have some meat-free days.
Fish curry is a great way to have a break from meat and it's just so good for you! Packed with protein, vitamin D and lots of other nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, it's a fast way to fuel your body and brain.
Sustainable Fish
But how about sourcing sustainable fish? In our part of the world, nestled along the east coast of Scotland, we are lucky to have access to many local fishmongers. If you can, try to buy from the fishmonger and don't be shy to ask them where the fish was from and where it was caught. Failing that, fish counters in big supermarkets are also well stocked.
And how about your friendly fish van delivery? Again, we're lucky in our county to have a couple who visit the area each week. There's also some great online fish delivery initiatives like Fishbox that are well worth a try.
What fish can you use?
In terms of particular fish to try, while cod and haddock are definitely the popular choices, the lesser known coley and pollack are just as tasty white fish. Hake is also a sweet but meaty fish, which doesn't break down when it's cooking, so is great for curries.
Quick Fish Curry Recipe
This Goan Fish curry won us an award! Easy enough for a mid-week meal but impressive enough to serve to dinner guests, it's a quick curry ready in around 30 minutes. A fish curry with coconut milk and you can also throw in some prawns too. You can use any white fish in this easy fish curry recipe. See the step by step video below.
Prawn Curry / Prawn Korma Recipe
This simple prawn curry is another quick curry option for busy times. You can use fresh or frozen prawns. Why not try with our Goan blend as an alternative to our Korma spice mix?
These are so delicious on the BBQ or grill and take only a couple of minutes to cook. We do recommend marinading them first though, for an incredible flavour the whole family will love. Ideal as a summer starter (serve with our Kachumber Salad) or as a meat-free option at your next BBQ.
Easy Fish Curry Recipe Video
A step-by-step guide for cooking our Goan Fish Curry recipe:
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