New Year, New You.

New Year, New You.

We know what you’re thinking. Another ‘New Year’ post...bla bla. But stay with us. One of the most common New Year’s Resolutions is to ‘eat healthily’. In fact a massive 32% of us choose this resolution each year. Whether we’re still tucking into kale and quinoa come February is another matter. But the problem is just that. Trying to stick religiously to a diet of uninteresting foods is neither exciting nor sustainable. Meal times should be something to look forward to, not something to dread.

So, what if we told you that you can enjoy delicious curries, snacks, and even sweet treats without falling off your ‘New Year, New Me’ high horse that you’ve proudly trotted round on for the first two weeks of January. Impossible? Well, we’ve made the impossible, possible. And it’s really not as hard, time consuming or complicated as you might think.

Curry, in general, has a bad reputation for being unhealthy, fattening, oily and greasy, but honestly, it doesn’t have to be like that. The Spice Pots philosophy revolves around simple, quick, and delicious cooking. Our spice blend pots are packed with spice and nothing else and our recipes are completely family friendly. So spoonful after spoonful of oil or handfuls of salt are nowhere to be found in our recipe book.

As well as a whole heap of curry recipes, our website features Sweet Treats, Vegan Favourites, Side Dishes, and loads more. So make today the day you really commit to a new, healthy ‘you’.

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